Christmas Celebration 2007

~At Vivo City ~
~Expo Hall 7 Carnival~
~Stanford & Michelle(me)~
Hurray! It's Christmas Time! Celebrating this year christmas seasons with my church and friends as well as my dear stanford.Ha!ha! Meet Florence, Jacqueline, Steven and Kelvin at Vivo city to countdown christmas day. It's fun and good for fellowshipping:> Reach home around 1am, God bless that the next day Christmas is a Public Holiday so dont need to work. Ya! However it's a off day for me, but i've to meet Joyce, florence, john for CHC christmas drama @ 12pm. But it's my pleasure to bring them to church as i hope that they could recieve salvation. It's an opening and never be an end! After service, we went to Expo hall 7 carnival to eat and play. Ha!Ha!It's a wonderful christmas with God and my love ones.cheers