Fabulous Christmas Celebration 2011
" Love in a Box" for children church christmas day gifts, purchase anything for them according to their age range and fill up the box. Everything must be brand new. I felt that it is a good gesture to bless the little ones. They will be very happy to receive the things that we'd bought for them.
Candlelight Service on 17 Dec
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Christmas Service on 23 Dec
Voodoo dolls for them to hit it when devil is trying to tempt or giving them negative mind. (Just for Fun)
'Give and it shall be given back to you' ...Haha... christmas gifts for me in return
Thanks Flor,Roy,Jacq,Z,YX,Queenie,Small Mich,Lisa, Xy,Joyce Lim, Joyce Tan, Tabitha, Wei Ming as well as my colleague Elaine, Rebecca, Cici, Derrick, Constance, Belle.
Thanks for the Handicraft work that you had made. Appreciated your effort and love the items you gave. so thoughtful and full with love. Cheers. Love you!!

More Photos: Christmas 2011