River Safari Singapore
River Safari Singapore
(Next to Singapore Zoo and Night Safari)
Visited the Sea monsters
Love the aquarium
We carry love every where

Thereafter, we walked over to the Panda zone
This is Kai Kai
(Male giant panda)
The staff here told us that he is sleeping and this is his hobby -.-"
not really active panda
We were wondering where is Jia Jia (which is the female panda)?
* The staff told us that she was a shy panda so we only can view her through a TV as she is sleeping in a room.
Do visit the Panda Cafe
We tried the Panda buns, which contains red bean paste and chocolate fillings.
As well, Panda Latte
*exclusive cute Panda drawing on top of my coffee.
The food prices in Panda Cafe were slightly comparative compares to cafe in town.
However, it is a good tasting of the Panda themed food and drinks
Time to go home!!
Entertaining ourselve by doing the below poses

Here were Jia Jia and Kai Kai

and some plushies to bring back...yeah!!
Do visit http://pandas.riversafari.com.sg/ for more informations.